space NASA Shared New Stunning Photos of the Moon's South Pole The images were taken by a highly sensitive optical ShadowCam camera carried around the Moon by the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), which launched in August 2022 atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
space Astronomers Spotted a Star Swallowing Its Planet for the First Time The Sun will swallow the three closest planets to it (Mercury, Venus, and Earth) when it enters the red giant stage in about five billion years. According to scientists, this observation gave the first real idea of how this engulfment occurs.
space NASA Unveils the Most Detailed 3D Map of Mars The most detailed interactive map of Mars has a resolution of about 25 square meters per pixel and was created by the scientists of the Bruce Murray Planetary Visualization Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology over the course of six years.
space Astronomers Detect the Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst in Space Numerous space detectors recorded a powerful gamma-ray burst passing through our solar system. The burst was officially named GRB 221009A, but unofficially it was dubbed BOAT, which stands for "brightest of all time."
space NASA's James Webb Telescope Captures New Images of Uranus The so-called polar cap is clearly visible on the right side of the planet in the image. It appears when the pole is exposed to direct sunlight in the summer and disappears in the fall.
space NASA and Axiom Space Unveil a New Spacesuit for Artemis Moon Landing Previously, NASA has selected Axiom Space as a company to develop and produce a next-generation spacesuit for the upcoming Artemis Lunar Program and future missions to the International Space Station (ISS).
space NASA's Webb Telescope Spots Dust Storms on a Distant Exoplanet Researchers proved that its swirling clouds are made up of silicate particles, ranging from tiny specks to small grains. The temperature of the atmosphere reaches 830 degrees Celsius (1,500 degrees Fahrenheit).
space NASA's Curiosity Rover Snapped a Photo of a Sunset on Mars Martian clouds are mostly made of frozen ice and float about 60 kilometers above the ground. However, in this new image, the clouds reach an unusually higher altitude. NASA suggests these clouds are probably made of carbon dioxide ice, also known as dry ice.
space NASA's Juno Spacecraft Captured an Infrared Image of Jupiter's Volcanic Moon Io Scientists hope to gather more data on the moon's volcanoes that affect the planet's magnetic field and help form massive auroras on Jupiter. According to the researchers, Jupiter has the brightest auroras in the entire solar system.
space Hubble Space Telescope Captures Aftermath of NASA's DART Asteroid Impact The newly released movie begins roughly 1.3 hours before the DART impact, then shows the system of two asteroids two hours after the event, with debris moving at speeds fast enough to overcome the gravitational pull of the asteroid system.
space NASA Shares a New Stunning Image of Earth Taken by the NOAA-21 Satellite As noted, the images of the Earth that make up this mosaic and several close-ups were captured on December 5 and 6 using an instrument called the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the NOAA-21 imaging satellite.
space NASA's Perseverance Rover Records the Sound of a Dust Devil on Mars On September 27, 2021, the vortex of at least 118 metres high and 25 metres wide passed directly over the rover as it landed in the Jezero crater.
space Saudi Arabia Will Send Its First Female Astronaut Into Space Rayyana Barnawi will join her fellow Saudi astronaut Ali Al-Qarni on a 10-day mission to the International Space Station. Barnawi and Al Qarni will fly to the ISS aboard the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft as part of a mission by private space company Axiom Space.
space Astronomers Discover an Earth-Sized Planet Within Its Star's Habitable Zone Planets located outside the solar system are called exoplanets. The Earth-like planet, dubbed TOI 700 e, is the fourth exoplanet to be discovered orbiting the small, cool dwarf star TOI 700.
space NASA and DARPA to Create a Working Nuclear Thermal Rocket by 2027 As noted by NASA, nuclear-powered spacecraft will allow for shorter flight times, reducing the risks for astronauts during long-distance missions, such as future crewed missions to Mars.
space NASA's HiRISE Captures an Image of a Bear's Face on Mars The circular fracture pattern could have been caused by sediment over a buried impact crater. The nose could have been formed by a volcanic or mud vent.
space NASA Released an Hour-long Time-Lapse Video Showing 133 Days of the Sun's Life From a series of images taken by cameras of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft, NASA specialists have created a stunning video showing how the Sun's surface has changed over 133 days.
space NASA's Orion Spacecraft Successfully Returns to Earth after Lunar Mission Successful completion of the mission paves the way for the second stage of a human return to the Moon, the Artemis 2 mission, when a crew of astronauts will orbit the Moon in the Orion capsule. The third stage is the landing of people on a satellite of the Earth.
space Hubble Captured a Supernova Just Hours After the Explosion In the images, astronomers have seen the early phases of a supernova at different stages. The three images of this supernova show a faint blue spot of a growing flare that is getting brighter and redder.
space Hubble Space Telescope Captures Celestial Fireworks Left by a Star's Death The image shows intertwined strands of blue and orange that are the remnants of the supernova DEM L 190. The structure is located in the Milky Way's companion galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, and hides a rapidly spinning neutron star.
space Astronomers Discovered Two Exoplanets That May Be Mostly Water Scientists hope the planets orbiting the red dwarf Kepler-138 won't be the last of its kind to be discovered. As instruments and detection techniques improve, more aquatic worlds like Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d are likely to be discovered.
space NASA Showed How It Will Bring Mars Rock Samples Back to Earth A set of samples from the rover will be reloaded aboard the Mars Ascent Vehicle. It will deliver the samples to a Martian orbit, where they will be picked up by the Earth Return Orbiter and delivered to Earth.
space Hubble Captured a Star-Studded Cosmic Cloud NGC 6530 is a cluster of several thousand stars embedded within the Lagoon Nebula – a gigantic interstellar cloud of gas and dust. It is the nebula that gives this image its distinctive smoky appearance.
space NASA's Webb Studied the Atmosphere of an Alien Exoplanet in Detail The planet's atmosphere is composed of sulfur and silicates. When they interact with the parent star's light, they produce sulfur dioxide – this is the first time such a compound has been found in the atmosphere of an exoplanet.
space NASA Shared a 12-year Timelapse of the Entire Universe NEOWISE has added hundreds of brown dwarfs to its catalog, monitored 1,000 protostars, gas balls hot enough to ignite and become stars, and discovered millions of supermassive black holes at the centers of distant galaxies.