space Astronomers Discover a "Mirror Image" of the Milky Way from Billions of Years Ago Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered a galaxy that looks very similar to our Milky Way in its early stages of evolution. It was named the Sparkler because almost two dozen glittering globular clusters orbit it.
space NASA's Perseverance Rover Records the Sound of a Dust Devil on Mars On September 27, 2021, the vortex of at least 118 metres high and 25 metres wide passed directly over the rover as it landed in the Jezero crater.
space Saudi Arabia Will Send Its First Female Astronaut Into Space Rayyana Barnawi will join her fellow Saudi astronaut Ali Al-Qarni on a 10-day mission to the International Space Station. Barnawi and Al Qarni will fly to the ISS aboard the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft as part of a mission by private space company Axiom Space.
space Astronomers Discover an Earth-Sized Planet Within Its Star's Habitable Zone Planets located outside the solar system are called exoplanets. The Earth-like planet, dubbed TOI 700 e, is the fourth exoplanet to be discovered orbiting the small, cool dwarf star TOI 700.
space We Can Now Hear the Sound of One of the Milky Way's Most Beautiful Stars Converting visual data into auditory data makes it more accessible to people with visual impairments. In addition, this approach can reveal details in the data, like patterns and weaker signals, that might otherwise be overlooked.
space NASA and DARPA to Create a Working Nuclear Thermal Rocket by 2027 As noted by NASA, nuclear-powered spacecraft will allow for shorter flight times, reducing the risks for astronauts during long-distance missions, such as future crewed missions to Mars.
space NASA's HiRISE Captures an Image of a Bear's Face on Mars The circular fracture pattern could have been caused by sediment over a buried impact crater. The nose could have been formed by a volcanic or mud vent.
space Astronomers Capture a Radio Signal from an Extremely Distant Galaxy This discovery was made possible by a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, in which light emitted by a source is bent by the presence of another massive body, effectively amplifying the signal, the astronomers explain.
space Scientists Discover Two Supermassive Black Holes in Merging Galaxies It will take several hundred million years for this particular pair of black holes to collide, but the insight gained from this observation could help scientists better estimate how many pairs of black holes in the universe are close to colliding.
space NASA Released an Hour-long Time-Lapse Video Showing 133 Days of the Sun's Life From a series of images taken by cameras of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft, NASA specialists have created a stunning video showing how the Sun's surface has changed over 133 days.
space Hubble Telescope Finds a Black Hole Twisting a Star into a Doughnut as It Swallows It Scientists say that a star is only torn apart in this way a few times every 100 thousand years in a galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its core. These stellar killings are called "tidal disruption events."
space Astronomers Discovered Two Exoplanets That May Be Mostly Water Scientists hope the planets orbiting the red dwarf Kepler-138 won't be the last of its kind to be discovered. As instruments and detection techniques improve, more aquatic worlds like Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d are likely to be discovered.
space Hubble Captured a Star-Studded Cosmic Cloud NGC 6530 is a cluster of several thousand stars embedded within the Lagoon Nebula – a gigantic interstellar cloud of gas and dust. It is the nebula that gives this image its distinctive smoky appearance.
space NASA's Webb Studied the Atmosphere of an Alien Exoplanet in Detail The planet's atmosphere is composed of sulfur and silicates. When they interact with the parent star's light, they produce sulfur dioxide – this is the first time such a compound has been found in the atmosphere of an exoplanet.
space NASA Shared a 12-year Timelapse of the Entire Universe NEOWISE has added hundreds of brown dwarfs to its catalog, monitored 1,000 protostars, gas balls hot enough to ignite and become stars, and discovered millions of supermassive black holes at the centers of distant galaxies.
space James Webb's New Image Shows the Early Days of Star Formation The protostar is now hidden in an hourglass-shaped cloud of dust and gas, and it has yet to develop the ability to generate its own energy through nuclear fusion, like the Sun and other stars.
space A Well-Known Ground Detector Can Detect Alien Spaceships A team of American scientists has published a new study, which has not yet passed scientific peer review, in which they propose to use the world's largest detector for detecting gravitational waves LIGO to find alien spaceships.
space The Automated Martian Station InSight Stopped Communicating The InSight space science station, which arrived at Mars in 2018, has stopped communicating. As NASA noted, the last time the spacecraft could be contacted was December 15.
space Astronomers Predicted the Death of an Exoplanet Kepler-1658b is a typical hot Jupiter. It orbits a pro-evolved star of spectral class F, located 2,600 light-years from Earth. The exoplanet has six times the mass of Jupiter, and its orbit is only 0.05 AU (7 million km) from its parent luminary.
space Astronomers Discover a Huge Planet Killer Asteroid Over time, the movement of this asteroid will sync with that of the Earth, and it will cross much closer by, but it will happen centuries into the future. Any asteroid over 1km in size is considered a planet killer and enough to trigger a mass extinction event on Earth.
space Astronomers Created a New Interactive Map of the Universe The full map of the observable universe is actually a slice of cosmos with a thickness of about 10 degrees. However, it still gives an idea of the scale of our universe as well as its stars and galaxies up to 13.7 billion light-years away.
space James Webb Telescope Spotted Two Unusually Bright Galaxies from the Early Universe The galaxies are extremely bright, and one of the reasons for this may be that they could have been very massive, with lots of low-mass stars. Or they could be much less massive, consisting of a smaller number of extremely bright Population III stars.
space Astronomers Discover Traces of an Ancient Ocean on Mars Scientists from Pennsylvania State University have found evidence that about 3.5 billion years ago, Mars had a vast ocean, which covered hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of the planet. Its existence was indicated by the topography of the shoreline.
space Astronomers Discover Closest Known Black Hole to Earth A team of astronomers has discovered the closest known black hole to Earth using data from the Gaia spacecraft. They did it by observing the Sun-like star moving in unexpected ways caused by the gravity of an unseen massive object.
space Astronomers Found a Way to Predict When a Supernova Will Occur Type II-P supernovae abruptly dump the matter surrounding them, which becomes a cloud. It gets very hot during the explosion and then gradually cools down, thus creating the effect of a slow-fading star.