space Hubble Space Telescope Captures Celestial Fireworks Left by a Star's Death The image shows intertwined strands of blue and orange that are the remnants of the supernova DEM L 190. The structure is located in the Milky Way's companion galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, and hides a rapidly spinning neutron star.
space Astronomers Discover Closest Known Black Hole to Earth A team of astronomers has discovered the closest known black hole to Earth using data from the Gaia spacecraft. They did it by observing the Sun-like star moving in unexpected ways caused by the gravity of an unseen massive object.
space Astronomers May Have Discovered Remnants of the Universe's Earliest Stars At the end of their life cycle, first-generation stars would explode as exceptionally bright pair-instability supernovae, filling interstellar space with a characteristic mixture of heavy chemical elements.
space The Webb Telescope Captures Mysterious Rings Around a Distant Star Astronomer at NOIRLab and principal investigator of the project Ryan Lau confirmed that these rings are real, not an optical illusion. He promised that scientists would soon publish a full research paper explaining this phenomenon.
space The Inouye Telescope Reveals New Images of the Sun's Chromosphere The Daniel Inouye Solar Telescope in Hawaii has taken new images of the Sun in great detail. The new images cover a chromospheric region 82,500 km wide and are just a small fraction of the Sun's total size.
space Scientists Discover a Super-Earth Located Near Its Star's Habitable Zone A super-Earth class exoplanet 4 times the mass of Earth was detected orbiting within the habitable zone of a red dwarf dubbed Ross 508. The star is located in the constellation Serpens and is five times smaller than our Sun.
space Scientists Reveal How Our Sun Is Going to Evolve in the Future The Sun has been around for 4.57 billion years and has been getting hotter all along. Scientists have determined that the star will be the hottest in its lifetime at the age of 8 billion years.
space NASA Releases an Arcade-Style Game Called Roman Space Observer The targets you will need to capture include orange and pink spirals or galaxies, blue ringed exoplanets, black holes, dark matter, white starburst supernovae, green rogue exoplanets, etc.
space Astronomers Discover a Star With the Widest Range of Elements These elements were made by the rapid neutron capture process. During this process, an element gets additional neutrons that then “decay” into protons, which changes the atom into a new element.
space Researchers Who Studied a Triple-Star System Retracted Their Paper An international team of researchers has retracted a paper published in 2016 in the Science journal. It focused on the discovery of an exoplanet in the HD 131399 triple-star system.
space Telescope Captures an Image of a Dead Star's Shroud EGB 6 will exist another few thousand years. After that, the stellar core will cool down and turn into a faint white dwarf, which will stop emitting enough ultraviolet light to ionize the ejected envelope.
space Astronomers Discover the Farthest Star From Earth The star is so far away that its light took 12.9 billion years to reach Earth, and it is now seen as it was when the universe was about 900 million years old, a mere 7% of its current age.