Space Hubble Captures Rosy View of Andromeda, Milky Way's Neighbor Known as the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way, Andromeda sits about 2.5 million light-years away and spans roughly 152,000 light-years across, making it comparable in size to our galaxy.
Space James Webb Telescope Celebrates 2nd Anniversary with Stunning "Penguin and Egg" Galaxy Image This vibrant and detailed image showcases the powerful capabilities of the telescope's infrared cameras, offering a glimpse into the dynamic processes occurring 326 million light-years away in the constellation Hydra.
Space James Webb Space Telescope Unveils the Farthest Galaxy Ever Discovered These findings are crucial as they indicate that significant galaxy formation was occurring much earlier than previously thought, challenging existing models of cosmic evolution.
Space Discovery of the Universe's Oldest 'Dead' Galaxy Challenges Cosmic Models The galaxy, dubbed JADES-GS-z7-01-QU, halted its star formation processes over 13 billion years ago, presenting a cosmic enigma as it existed merely 700 million years after the universe's inception.
Space James Webb Telescope Challenges Cosmological Theories with the Discovery of a Massive Early Galaxy This galaxy is believed to have formed just 800 million years after the Big Bang, contradicting the belief that massive galaxies could not have formed so early in the universe's history due to a lack of dark matter structures.
Space James Webb Space Telescope Captures Stunning Views of Spiral Galaxies The JWST's observations support the theory that galaxies grow from the inside out, with star formation initiating at the core and propagating outward along the spiral arms.
Space Hubble Space Telescope Captures a Massive Stellar Bridge Between Galaxies Arp 295 comprises three spiral galaxies: Arp 295a, Arp 295b, and Arp 295c. The focal point of the image is Arp 295a, an edge-on galaxy, while Arp 295c, a smaller blue spiral, graces the background.
Space NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Captures Spectacular Star Factory in a Nearby Galaxy By studying regions like N79 with the JWST, scientists can gain valuable insights into the composition of gas and dust clouds during the early universe's peak star formation period.
Space A Giant Structure Found in Distant Space Challenges Cosmology These colossal cosmic structures emphasize how much remains unknown about the universe and its intricate workings, highlighting the need for further exploration and discovery.
Space Hubble Captures a Spectacular Collision of Two Spiral Galaxies This captivating encounter involves NGC 6040, a tilted and warped spiral galaxy, and LEDA 59642, a round and face-on spiral galaxy, locked in a gravitational embrace.
Space Hubble Telescope Captures a Stunning Image of a 'Snowball' of Stars Situated approximately 158,000 light-years from Earth, NGC 2210 is believed to be around 11.6 billion years old, making it one of the more youthful globular clusters within the LMC.
Space Strange Activity Detected Around Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole Astrophysicists Gustavo Magallanes-Guijón and Sergio Mendoza from the National Autonomous University of Mexico have observed a distinct pattern: every 76.32 minutes, gamma-ray signals emanate from the vicinity of Sagittarius A*.
Space Hubble Space Telescope Captures a Striking Image of Three Interacting Galaxies These three galaxies, located approximately 500 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Tucana, are engaged in a gravitational tango, prompting astronomers to label them as a "merging group."
Space A New Cosmic Atlas Reveals Stunning Details of 400,000 Nearby Galaxies The Siena Galaxy Atlas is poised to become a valuable resource for astronomers, enabling them to analyze various aspects of the universe's structure, from galaxy formation and evolution to the distribution of enigmatic dark matter.
Space Hubble Telescope Captures an Unexplained Cosmic Explosion Between Galaxies This brilliant burst of blue light, an exceedingly rare phenomenon, occurred in an unexpected location, far removed from any host galaxy, challenging what astronomers thought they knew about these events.
Space James Webb Space Telescope Captures New Images of the Whirlpool Galaxy Combining both the MIRI and NIRCam images into a composite photo reveals a rich tapestry of details, providing valuable insights into the interplay between stellar feedback and star formation in extragalactic environments.
Space James Webb Space Telescope Discovers the Earliest-Known Carbon Dust This revelation challenges existing theories on the chemical evolution of the universe, as the detection suggests that galaxies formed and enriched with carbon much more rapidly than previously believed.
Space Astronomers Created a New Detailed Map of the Milky Way The map is comprised of 21,400 individual exposures, with a final image showing a huge 3.32 billion celestial objects. The collected data accounts for around 6.5 percent of the entire night sky.
Space The Milky Way May Have a Different Shape Than We Previously Thought After a detailed study of the collected and systematized data, scientists suggested that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with only two main arms extending from a centralized cluster of stars.
Space Hubble Space Telescope Spots a Rare View of 3 Galaxies About to Collide This colliding trio, collectively known to astronomers as SDSSCGB 10189, is a relatively rare combination of three large star-forming galaxies only 50,000 light-years apart. According to scientists, this is an extremely small distance on a cosmic scale.
Space Astronomers Discover a "Mirror Image" of the Milky Way from Billions of Years Ago Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered a galaxy that looks very similar to our Milky Way in its early stages of evolution. It was named the Sparkler because almost two dozen glittering globular clusters orbit it.
Space Astronomers Capture a Radio Signal from an Extremely Distant Galaxy This discovery was made possible by a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, in which light emitted by a source is bent by the presence of another massive body, effectively amplifying the signal, the astronomers explain.
Space Scientists Discover Two Supermassive Black Holes in Merging Galaxies It will take several hundred million years for this particular pair of black holes to collide, but the insight gained from this observation could help scientists better estimate how many pairs of black holes in the universe are close to colliding.
Space Hubble Space Telescope Captures Celestial Fireworks Left by a Star's Death The image shows intertwined strands of blue and orange that are the remnants of the supernova DEM L 190. The structure is located in the Milky Way's companion galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, and hides a rapidly spinning neutron star.
Space Astronomers Created a New Interactive Map of the Universe The full map of the observable universe is actually a slice of cosmos with a thickness of about 10 degrees. However, it still gives an idea of the scale of our universe as well as its stars and galaxies up to 13.7 billion light-years away.