Hubble Space Telescope Captures a Massive Stellar Bridge Between Galaxies
Arp 295 comprises three spiral galaxies: Arp 295a, Arp 295b, and Arp 295c. The focal point of the image is Arp 295a, an edge-on galaxy, while Arp 295c, a smaller blue spiral, graces the background.

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a breathtaking image unveiling a colossal "bridge of stars" spanning between two galaxies within the galactic group Arp 295. This celestial phenomenon stretches an impressive 250,000 light-years, linking a pair of galaxies in a cosmic dance of gravity and space.
Arp 295 comprises three spiral galaxies: Arp 295a, Arp 295b, and Arp 295c. The focal point of the image is Arp 295a, an edge-on galaxy, while Arp 295c, a smaller blue spiral, graces the background.
The grandeur of this bridge, crafted from stars, gas, and dust, serves as a testament to the gravitational interplay between galaxies over vast expanses of time.
Such interactions, witnessed through galactic mergers and bridges, offer astronomers glimpses into the future of our own galactic home. As highlighted by Hubble's observations, the eventual collision of our Milky Way with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, forecasted in approximately 4 billion years, echoes the cosmic interaction observed in Arp 295.