Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity Completes Its Fourth Commercial Spaceflight Mission

Virgin Galactic marked another milestone as VSS Unity successfully completed its fourth commercial suborbital flight. The mission, named 'Galactic 04,' took off from Spaceport America in New Mexico on October 6.

The suborbital flight reached an altitude of approximately 54.3 miles before making a graceful glide back to a runway landing at Spaceport America. This successful mission reaffirms Virgin Galactic's ability to conduct repeatable spaceflight operations.

'Galactic 04' featured three astronauts:

  • Astronaut 017 Ron Rosano from the United States.
  • Astronaut 018 Trevor Beattie from the United Kingdom.
  • Astronaut 019 Namira Salim from Pakistan, who became the first person from her country to journey to space.

The flight was piloted by Commander Kelly Latimer and Pilot CJ Sturckow, with Chief Astronaut Instructor Beth Moses also onboard. VMS Eve served as the mothership for VSS Unity.

After the successful 'Galactic 04' mission, the company is preparing for its next commercial space mission, 'Galactic 05,' continuing to push the boundaries of commercial space travel.