Two Large Asteroids Will Fly Past Earth This Weekend
Two large asteroids the size of a multi-story building will brush past our planet later this week. According to NASA, the space bodies will approach the Earth on July 29 and 30.

Two large asteroids the size of a multi-story building will brush past our planet later this week. According to NASA, the space bodies will approach the Earth on July 29 and 30.
The first asteroid, designated 2016 CZ31, is 122 meters in diameter and will fly past our planet at a distance of 2.8 million kilometers.
The second asteroid, 2013 CU83, is slightly larger – 183 meters, but it will fly at a distance of 6.9 million kilometers from our planet.
Fortunately, none of these asteroids are or concern to NASA since there is no danger of their collision with the Earth.