Space Astronomers Found a Way to Predict When a Supernova Will Occur Type II-P supernovae abruptly dump the matter surrounding them, which becomes a cloud. It gets very hot during the explosion and then gradually cools down, thus creating the effect of a slow-fading star.
Space Astronomers May Have Discovered Remnants of the Universe's Earliest Stars At the end of their life cycle, first-generation stars would explode as exceptionally bright pair-instability supernovae, filling interstellar space with a characteristic mixture of heavy chemical elements.
Space Scientists Discover a Super-Earth Located Near Its Star's Habitable Zone A super-Earth class exoplanet 4 times the mass of Earth was detected orbiting within the habitable zone of a red dwarf dubbed Ross 508. The star is located in the constellation Serpens and is five times smaller than our Sun.
Space Astronomers Find Elusive Atoms in the Cosmic Web The atoms are hard to spot because most of them are in the cosmic web in the form of gas so diffuse that there is no more than about one atom per cubic foot of space, which is much less than in any vacuum on Earth.
Space Astronomers Discover the Oldest Galaxy in the Universe The James Webb Space Telescope has detected the oldest galaxy in the universe – GLASS-z13. It is assumed that it was formed 300 million years after the Big Bang and is now 13.5 billion years old.
Space NASA Reveals Five More Breathtaking Images from the James Webb Space Telescope After unveiling the first full-color image of space taken by the James Webb Space Telescope yesterday, NASA shared five more stunning and breathtaking images of stellar objects, including distant galaxies, nebulas, and other wonders of the universe.
Space NASA Unveils First Full-Color Image Taken by the James Webb Space Telescope The rest of the high-resolution color images will debut on July 12. The first five photos highlight James Webb's unprecedented scientific capabilities and should include pictures of galaxies, nebulas, and more.
Space Astronomers Discover a New Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Astronomers have discovered an ultra-faint galaxy called Toucana B. It is located 4.5 million light-years away, and scientists believe it could show us what stellar systems looked like at the beginning of the universe.
Space Humanity Will Need to Survive 400,000 Years to Make Contact With Aliens In this study, the researchers were guided by data on the history of galactic star formation, metallicity distributions, and the probability of the existence of Earth-like planets in the habitable zones of stars.
Space Scientists Discover All 5 Building Blocks of DNA and RNA in Meteorite Samples Scientists suggest that cytosine and thymine were hard to detect in previous analyses because of their delicate structure.
Space Scientists Plan to Create a New Message for Intelligent Aliens The message will include information on the Earth's principles of communication, the basic mathematical and physical concepts, the structure of DNA, as well as people, and the Earth as a whole.
Space The Universe's Expansion Could Be Coming to an End According to cosmologists, "soon" is within 100 million years. This means that humankind is on the verge of the beginning of the era of the Big Crunch. Physicists published their study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Space Telescope Captures an Image of a Dead Star's Shroud EGB 6 will exist another few thousand years. After that, the stellar core will cool down and turn into a faint white dwarf, which will stop emitting enough ultraviolet light to ionize the ejected envelope.
Space Astronomers Discover an Ultra-Faint Satellite of Milky Way Pegasus IV is classified as an ultra-faint galaxy. Such objects are characterized by extremely low brightness but are rich in mysterious dark matter. Ultra-faint galaxies are thought to be very ancient objects, formed shortly after the Big Bang.
Space LAMOST Discovered Over 1,500 Compact Galaxies Of the 1,417 new compact galaxies, 739 are Green Pea galaxies, 270 are Blueberry galaxies, and 388 are Purple Grape galaxies. These classes of stellar systems have received such strange names relatively recently because of their appearance.
Space UAE's Hope Probe and NASA's MAVEN Mission to Share Scientific Data NASA said it had reached an agreement to share scientific data between the Emirates Mars Mission and MAVEN mission teams. This should increase the scientific impact of both projects and help unlock the mysteries of the Red Planet.
Space Scientists Develop the Most Detailed Model of the Early Universe In order to perform such a large-scale project, 24,576 graphics and 131,072 ordinary processors connected to the Summit supercomputer were used. The calculation process took 10 days.
Space Hubble Discovers a Rapidly Growing Black Hole in the Early Universe Until now, the galaxy called GNz7q has been hiding unnoticed in one of the most studied areas of the night sky – the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-North (GOODS-North) field.
Space Astronomers Discover a New Type of Nebula An international team of astronomers has discovered a new type of nebula around binary stars, a system of two gravitationally bound stars orbiting in closed orbits around a common center.
Space Astronomers Discover the Most Distant Galaxy Ever Found HD1 is 100 million light-years farther from Earth than the previous record-breaking galaxy GN-z11. According to preliminary calculations, HD1 produces about a hundred stars each year, which is ten times more than expected from a galaxy of this type.
Space Astronomers Discover the Largest Known Galaxy in the Universe This cluster of stars that orbit a supermassive black hole is located three billion light-years from Earth and stretches at least 16.3 million light-years through space.
Space The Universe Could Contain 40 Billion Billions of Black Holes Scientists at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste (SISSA) have found that there are 40 billion billions (i.e., 4 followed by 19 zeros) stellar-mass black holes in the universe.
Space Scientists Detect Up to 170 New Rogue Planets Wandering our Galaxy If a planet is young and hot, its own residual heat helps find it. That's how scientists found the new rogue planets this time after analyzing 80,000 images taken over the past 20 years of astronomical observations.
Space Astronomers Discover the Farthest Star From Earth The star is so far away that its light took 12.9 billion years to reach Earth, and it is now seen as it was when the universe was about 900 million years old, a mere 7% of its current age.
Space Scientists Created the Biggest Map of the Universe The map was created using DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument), which helped astrophysicists collect images of the universe over the course of seven months and combine them with each other.