space Voyager 1 Experiences Communication Issues Beyond Solar System The mission team suspects that the issue may be software-related, possibly originating in one of Voyager 1's three onboard computers, particularly with the flight data system (FDS).
space Astronomers Discover Universe's Oldest Black Hole, Challenging Theories What's surprising is not only its incredible age but also its massive size, approximately a million times the mass of our Sun. This finding has raised questions about how such a colossal black hole could have formed so rapidly.
space Astronomers Determine Which Exoplanets Are Most Likely to Harbor Water The findings suggest that all 28 examined exoplanets could potentially have global ice or water surfaces, even without atmospheres. Some may even qualify as ocean planets.
space A Massive Coronal Hole In the Sun's Surface Is Blasting Solar Wind Right at Earth This phenomenon occurs as part of the Sun's natural activity cycle. While the Sun experiences periods of heightened solar activity, including sunspots or solar flares, it eventually reaches a peak known as solar maximum.
space ESA Astronaut Captures a Rare Thunder Phenomenon Above Earth To capture this nearly instantaneous event, Mogensen used a Davis camera, capable of taking up to 100,000 images per second, functioning much like the human eye.
space Scientists Discover an Exoplanet that Challenges Our Understanding of the Universe Computer simulations showed that for LHS 3154b to exist, its protoplanetary disk would have needed to contain more solid material than previously thought possible.
space The United States Prepares for Lunar Return after Over 50 Years Peregrine, an unmanned lander developed by Astrobotic, will attempt to touch down on the lunar surface. The mission aims to carry NASA instruments to study the lunar environment before the upcoming Artemis missions.
space Hubble Space Telescope Temporarily Pauses Observations Due to Gyroscope Issues Currently, NASA's Hubble team is diligently working on diagnosing the problem and devising solutions to get the telescope back on track. If necessary, they can reconfigure the telescope to operate with just one gyroscope.
space Strange Activity Detected Around Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole Astrophysicists Gustavo Magallanes-Guijón and Sergio Mendoza from the National Autonomous University of Mexico have observed a distinct pattern: every 76.32 minutes, gamma-ray signals emanate from the vicinity of Sagittarius A*.
space China's Zhurong Rover Detects Mysterious Subsurface Polygons on Mars Equipped with a ground-penetrating radar system, Zhurong scanned the Utopia Planitia region on Mars, revealing a series of irregular polygonal wedges buried approximately 35 meters below the surface.
space Scientists Discover an Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Particle Named Amaterasu Some scientists speculate that the anomalies could be attributed to defects in the fabric of spacetime or the collision of cosmic strings, while others consider the possibility of an unidentified source within the Local Void.
space Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Navigates Martian Winter as NASA Plans Upgrades Ingenuity's resilience in the Martian winter and its numerous successful flights underscore its crucial role in Mars exploration, serving as a scout for NASA's Perseverance rover.
space The Earth Has Received a Laser Message Beamed from 10 Million Miles Away Typically, radio waves are utilized to communicate with missions beyond the Moon, but the introduction of laser technology could increase data transmission speeds by a factor of 10 to 100.
space Supernova's Impact on Earth's Ozone Layer Revealed in a New Study Simulations have revealed that a gamma-ray burst within our Milky Way could obliterate the stratospheric ozone layer for several years, causing extensive species extinction and posing significant threats to humanity.
space James Webb and Hubble Telescopes Illuminate the Christmas Tree Galaxy Cluster This collaborative effort between the two space telescopes has unveiled a rich tapestry of celestial wonders, offering a breathtaking glimpse into the cosmos. MACS0416 is actually a pair of colliding galaxy clusters.
space James Webb Space Telescope Reveals an Exoplanet with Sand Clouds Their findings have been nothing short of remarkable. Amidst the gaseous expanse of WASP-107b, astronomers detected the presence of water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and an unexpected phenomenon—clouds composed of fine silicate particles.
space ESA's Orbiter Observed Mars' Atmosphere Glowing Green at Night In 2020, the phenomenon was observed in visible light during Martian daylight using TGO. Now, scientists have observed it at night through TGO, providing valuable insights into this captivating phenomenon.
space NASA Astronauts' Tool Bag Becomes a Bright Satellite in Earth's Orbit Currently orbiting at altitudes ranging from 415 to 416 kilometers, it is slowly descending. Eventually, it will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, where it is anticipated to disintegrate.
space Solar Conjunction Puts NASA's Mars Robots on Hold Mars exploration will temporarily rely on onboard instruments, as communication with Earth may lead to unintended consequences. NASA's precautionary measure aims to ensure the robots' safety and prevent any issues arising from miscommunications.
space NASA Launches an Exciting New Streaming Service Called NASA+ Users can enjoy a wide range of content without any interruptions or subscription fees. Plus, the service is available to everyone, making it a valuable resource for space enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
space SpaceX's Starship Completes Its Second Test Launch Although the Super Heavy booster exploded shortly after separation, and the Starship upper stage experienced issues, SpaceX considered the test a success and plans to analyze the data for future improvements.
space Astronomers Detect the Presence of Oxygen in Venus' Dayside Atmosphere Understanding Venus's atmosphere and the distribution of atomic oxygen could provide insights into why Earth and Venus, once potentially similar, evolved into drastically different worlds.
space Mars Lava Chamber Revealed as Potential Shelter for Future Bases These subterranean structures offer protection from radiation, extreme temperature fluctuations, and even meteorite impacts. Researchers believe that such underground features could serve as crucial refuges for future Mars missions.
space Saturn's Rings to Temporarily Disappear and Reappear in 2025 While the rings' disappearance may seem like a loss, it offers a unique opportunity for skywatchers to observe Saturn's moons more clearly, as the reduced tilt makes them easier to spot.
space NASA's Juno Probe Detects Salts and Organic Compounds on Jupiter's Largest Moon Ganymede Scientists speculate that these findings could suggest the existence of hydrothermal activity deep beneath Ganymede's icy surface or interactions between its subsurface ocean and the planet's interior rocks.