Space A Rare Alignment of Five Planets Took Place on June 24 For the first time in 18 years, billions of people around the world could enjoy an incredible spectacle in the night sky – a parade of planets. This is an astronomical phenomenon in which several planets line up in a single arc in the sky.
Space Astronomers Discover a Planet That Constantly Burns Nothing like 55 Cancri e exists in our solar system. Astronomers plan to observe the planet to determine how it rotates, whether it has an atmosphere, and where its hottest spot is located.
Space Scientists Urge NASA to Send a Space Mission to Uranus Specifically, the researchers are calling on NASA to create the Uranus Orbiter and Probe, or UOP. The mission concept involves sending a spacecraft into orbit around Uranus, along with a probe that will dive into the planet's atmosphere.
Space Astronomers Confirm the Existence of Ice Deposits at Mercury's Poles A team of U.S. researchers combined the data it collected with MESSENGER observations and created the most detailed map of water ice deposits on Mercury and even determined its degree of purity.
Space Hubble Took a Picture of a Forming Jupiter-Like Protoplanet The newborn planet orbits the protostar AB Aurigae. The planet is a gas giant whose mass is nine times that of Jupiter. The exoplanet orbits at a distance of 8.6 billion miles from its parent star.
Space Temperatures on Neptune Are Fluctuating Unexpectedly Astronomers have been monitoring the temperature of Neptune for 17 years and found that it suddenly dropped and then rose sharply near the south pole. Scientists do not yet know the reason for that.
Space Scientists Detect Up to 170 New Rogue Planets Wandering our Galaxy If a planet is young and hot, its own residual heat helps find it. That's how scientists found the new rogue planets this time after analyzing 80,000 images taken over the past 20 years of astronomical observations.
Space Scientists Propose to Make Pluto a Planet Again If the approach to defining planets is reconsidered, the status of a planet would be given not only to Pluto, but also to the Moon, dwarf planets, asteroids, as well as geologically active satellites of giant planets, such as Titan.
Space NASA's Juno Probe Recorded the Sound of Jupiter's Moon NASA launched the Juno probe into space in 2011. In almost five years, Juno reached Jupiter. In 2016, it began to study its surface and subsequently transmitted unique photos of the giant planet to Earth.
Space BepiColombo Mission Captures First Images of Mercury On the night of October 2, BepiColombo approached the planet at a distance of 199 km and collected data using its sensors. Ten minutes after the fly-by, the spacecraft took a series of images.
Space The Oldest Known Planet in the Universe Discovered The object orbits one of the oldest stars in the Milky Way, located 280 light years from Earth.