space Astronomers Find a New Potential Habitable Exoplanet 31 Light-Years Away The planet, named Wolf 1069 b, is located in the habitable zone of its star, a red dwarf. A habitable zone is an area where conditions are suitable for the existence of liquid water on the surface, which means that the planet can hypothetically sustain life.
space Astronomers Discover an Earth-Sized Planet Within Its Star's Habitable Zone Planets located outside the solar system are called exoplanets. The Earth-like planet, dubbed TOI 700 e, is the fourth exoplanet to be discovered orbiting the small, cool dwarf star TOI 700.
space Astronomers Discovered Two Exoplanets That May Be Mostly Water Scientists hope the planets orbiting the red dwarf Kepler-138 won't be the last of its kind to be discovered. As instruments and detection techniques improve, more aquatic worlds like Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d are likely to be discovered.
space NASA's Webb Studied the Atmosphere of an Alien Exoplanet in Detail The planet's atmosphere is composed of sulfur and silicates. When they interact with the parent star's light, they produce sulfur dioxide – this is the first time such a compound has been found in the atmosphere of an exoplanet.
space Astronomers Predicted the Death of an Exoplanet Kepler-1658b is a typical hot Jupiter. It orbits a pro-evolved star of spectral class F, located 2,600 light-years from Earth. The exoplanet has six times the mass of Jupiter, and its orbit is only 0.05 AU (7 million km) from its parent luminary.
space NASA Shared the First Detailed Image of a Planet Outside Our Solar System The exoplanet is located about 385 light years from Earth, and, according to various estimates, it is 6-12 times larger than Jupiter and is between 15 million and 20 million years old.
space Scientists Discover a Super-Earth Located Near Its Star's Habitable Zone A super-Earth class exoplanet 4 times the mass of Earth was detected orbiting within the habitable zone of a red dwarf dubbed Ross 508. The star is located in the constellation Serpens and is five times smaller than our Sun.
space NASA Releases an Arcade-Style Game Called Roman Space Observer The targets you will need to capture include orange and pink spirals or galaxies, blue ringed exoplanets, black holes, dark matter, white starburst supernovae, green rogue exoplanets, etc.
space TESS Discovers Two Rocky Exoplanets Orbiting a Red Dwarf During a series of observations, TESS recorded regular changes in the brightness of HD 260655, caused by the transits of two exoplanets, designated HD 260655 b and HD 260655 c. Astronomers were then able to confirm the existence of these rocky exoplanets.
space Researchers Who Studied a Triple-Star System Retracted Their Paper An international team of researchers has retracted a paper published in 2016 in the Science journal. It focused on the discovery of an exoplanet in the HD 131399 triple-star system.
space Jupiter's Twin Was Spotted 17,000 Light-Years Away This is the first time in the history of science that the telescope has been able to detect an extrasolar planet through a microlensing event. Kepler wasn't really designed for such observations.
space Astronomers Discover Two Saturn-Mass Exoplanets The discovery was made using the radial-velocity method within the CARMENES survey. The essence of the method is to find the characteristic "wobbles" of stars caused by the gravity of their invisible companions.
space Hubble Took a Picture of a Forming Jupiter-Like Protoplanet The newborn planet orbits the protostar AB Aurigae. The planet is a gas giant whose mass is nine times that of Jupiter. The exoplanet orbits at a distance of 8.6 billion miles from its parent star.
space NASA Confirms the Existence of Over 5,000 Exoplanets More specifically, the agency's exoplanet archive now documents 5,005 exoplanets, each with its own unique characteristics. The latest batch of exoplanets was discovered on March 21.