space NASA Launches an Exciting New Streaming Service Called NASA+ Users can enjoy a wide range of content without any interruptions or subscription fees. Plus, the service is available to everyone, making it a valuable resource for space enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
space SpaceX's Starship Completes Its Second Test Launch Although the Super Heavy booster exploded shortly after separation, and the Starship upper stage experienced issues, SpaceX considered the test a success and plans to analyze the data for future improvements.
space Astronomers Detect the Presence of Oxygen in Venus' Dayside Atmosphere Understanding Venus's atmosphere and the distribution of atomic oxygen could provide insights into why Earth and Venus, once potentially similar, evolved into drastically different worlds.
space Mars Lava Chamber Revealed as Potential Shelter for Future Bases These subterranean structures offer protection from radiation, extreme temperature fluctuations, and even meteorite impacts. Researchers believe that such underground features could serve as crucial refuges for future Mars missions.
space Saturn's Rings to Temporarily Disappear and Reappear in 2025 While the rings' disappearance may seem like a loss, it offers a unique opportunity for skywatchers to observe Saturn's moons more clearly, as the reduced tilt makes them easier to spot.
space NASA's Juno Probe Detects Salts and Organic Compounds on Jupiter's Largest Moon Ganymede Scientists speculate that these findings could suggest the existence of hydrothermal activity deep beneath Ganymede's icy surface or interactions between its subsurface ocean and the planet's interior rocks.
space NASA's Lucy Probe Discovers Surprise Contact Binary at Dinkinesh Contact binary systems, where two smaller objects are in contact with each other, are not uncommon in the solar system. However, it's a rare occurrence to find one of these systems orbiting another asteroid.
space New Study Suggests That Earth Harbors Remnants of a Moon-Forming Protoplanet These continent-sized anomalies, known as large low-velocity provinces (LLVPs), have long puzzled scientists due to their higher density and temperature compared to the surrounding mantle.
space NASA's Juno Probe Captures a Spooky "Face" on Jupiter The photograph reveals turbulent storms and swirling clouds along Jupiter's terminator, the boundary between its day and night sides, casting an uncanny appearance akin to a ghostly visage.
space NASA's Lucy Mission Discovers a Surprise Asteroid During Dinkinesh Flyby The encounter primarily served as an in-flight test of Lucy's tracking system, designed to autonomously track asteroids as the spacecraft zooms past at speeds of up to 10,000 mph. Despite Dinkinesh's small size, the system performed admirably.
space The Moon Is 40 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought Lunar samples collected during the Apollo 17 mission in 1972 were analyzed using a technique called atom probe tomography, revealing that the moon is likely at least 4.46 billion years old.
space Mars' Core Looks Bigger than It Is Because of a Layer of Molten Rock A game-changing event occurred in September 2021 when a meteorite impact on Mars generated seismic waves that allowed scientists to gain new insights into the planet's interior. This impact provided crucial data that illuminated the core's true nature.
space Hubble Space Telescope Captures a Striking Image of Three Interacting Galaxies These three galaxies, located approximately 500 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Tucana, are engaged in a gravitational tango, prompting astronomers to label them as a "merging group."
space Scientists Reveal the Surprising Origin of Mars' Most Powerful Quake It has now been revealed that the quake was not caused by an asteroid impact, as initially suspected, but by tectonic forces deep within Mars itself. This discovery challenges previous notions of Mars' geological activity.
space Juno Probe Reveals New Images of Jupiter's Moon Io On October 15, Juno passed by Io's surface, capturing high-resolution images that showcase the moon's tumultuous landscape. Skilled technicians at NASA and amateur astronomers further refined the images, eliminating noise and distortions.
space A Mud Lake on Mars Might be Hiding Signs of Ancient Life Around 3.4 billion years ago, this underground system was disrupted, resulting in massive floods that deposited mountains of sediment on the Martian surface. Hydraotes Chaos is a striking example of this geological upheaval.
space A New Cosmic Atlas Reveals Stunning Details of 400,000 Nearby Galaxies The Siena Galaxy Atlas is poised to become a valuable resource for astronomers, enabling them to analyze various aspects of the universe's structure, from galaxy formation and evolution to the distribution of enigmatic dark matter.
space Astronomers Link Mysterious Cosmic Radio Signals to Starquakes The concept of starquakes on the dense surface of neutron stars might offer a compelling explanation. Magnetars, a subset of neutron stars with extraordinarily potent magnetic fields, have previously been linked to FRBs.
space NASA's Psyche Mission Embarks on a Journey to a Mysterious Metal Asteroid NASA's Psyche mission represents a giant leap in planetary exploration, providing a rare opportunity to delve into the heart of a metallic world, potentially revealing crucial clues about the early history of our solar system.
space Mars Express Reveals the Marvelous Labyrinth of Night on Mars The four-minute video provides a serene aerial tour set to ethereal music. It captures deep, steep-walled canyons and expansive plateaus, giving a sense of the dusty and sandy nature of the Martian surface.
space Astronomers Witness an Afterglow of a Giant Exoplanet Collision The collision led to the formation of a vast debris cloud. After approximately three years, this debris cloud shifted into alignment between the star and Earth, causing a reduction in the star's visible brightness.
space Hubble Telescope Captures an Unexplained Cosmic Explosion Between Galaxies This brilliant burst of blue light, an exceedingly rare phenomenon, occurred in an unexpected location, far removed from any host galaxy, challenging what astronomers thought they knew about these events.
space James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Mysterious Planet-Like Objects in Orion Nebula The JWST stumbled upon "Jupiter Mass Binary Objects" (JuMBOs), which are Jupiter-sized planets freely drifting through space without any tether to a star. What's more intriguing is that they appear to move in pairs, with approximately 40 such duos observed.
space Saturn's Enigmatic Rings Might Have Originated From a Moon Collision This research draws on data gathered by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, whose observations revealed that the material composing Saturn's rings consists of nearly pure ice with minimal dust contamination.
space India's Moon Lander and Rover Face Uncertain Future After Communication Loss Vikram and Pragyan were placed in sleep mode to safeguard their electronic components during the moon's two-week night. Initially, ISRO scientists expressed confidence that the spacecraft would reawaken around September 22.