space Astronomers Reveal an Image of Mysterious Odd Radio Circles Astronomers hope that the unique image will help them understand the nature of odd radio circles and prove one of their origin's theories.
space Scientists Suggest Sending Astronauts to Mars Using Lasers Scientists from McGill University in Canada have invented the concept of the laser catapult, which will help astronauts get to Mars in just 45 days. However, scientists do not yet know how to slow the spacecraft down once it arrives at its destination.
space NASA Confirms the Existence of Over 5,000 Exoplanets More specifically, the agency's exoplanet archive now documents 5,005 exoplanets, each with its own unique characteristics. The latest batch of exoplanets was discovered on March 21.
space Scientists Tracked Down a Fallen Meteorite Using Drones and Machine Learning The resulting images were analyzed by a machine-learning algorithm that can detect unusual objects lying on the ground. It identified the supposed location where the fragments of the meteorite fell. At that spot, scientists found a 70-gram meteorite.
space Astronomers Discover the Largest Known Galaxy in the Universe This cluster of stars that orbit a supermassive black hole is located three billion light-years from Earth and stretches at least 16.3 million light-years through space.
space Astronomers Discover a Mysterious Spinning Object in the Milky Way The scientists established that the object is about four thousand light years from Earth. So far, astronomers can only say that it is incredibly bright and has an extremely strong magnetic field.
space The Universe Could Contain 40 Billion Billions of Black Holes Scientists at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste (SISSA) have found that there are 40 billion billions (i.e., 4 followed by 19 zeros) stellar-mass black holes in the universe.
space Scientists Detect Up to 170 New Rogue Planets Wandering our Galaxy If a planet is young and hot, its own residual heat helps find it. That's how scientists found the new rogue planets this time after analyzing 80,000 images taken over the past 20 years of astronomical observations.
space Scientists Propose to Make Pluto a Planet Again If the approach to defining planets is reconsidered, the status of a planet would be given not only to Pluto, but also to the Moon, dwarf planets, asteroids, as well as geologically active satellites of giant planets, such as Titan.
space Astronomers Discover the Farthest Star From Earth The star is so far away that its light took 12.9 billion years to reach Earth, and it is now seen as it was when the universe was about 900 million years old, a mere 7% of its current age.
space Scientists Created the Biggest Map of the Universe The map was created using DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument), which helped astrophysicists collect images of the universe over the course of seven months and combine them with each other.
space BepiColombo Mission Captures First Images of Mercury On the night of October 2, BepiColombo approached the planet at a distance of 199 km and collected data using its sensors. Ten minutes after the fly-by, the spacecraft took a series of images.