space NASA's Chandra Observatory Spots Galaxy Clusters' Collision Abell 2146 is a pair of colliding galaxy clusters located nearly 2.8 billion light-years from our planet. Galaxy clusters contain hundreds of galaxies along with huge amounts of dark matter and hot gas.
space Rocket Lab Launched NASA's Capstone Mission to the Moon It is expected that CAPSTONE will reach its destination by entering the lunar orbit in four months and stay there for at least six months.
space South Korea Successfully Launched a Satellite Into Orbit Using Its Nuri Rocket In October last year, the rocket was launched into orbit for the first time. This test launch ended in failure because one of its engines shut down prematurely.
space BepiColombo Makes Its Second Mercury Flyby During this flyby, BepiColombo approached the planet from the night side. The next Mercury flyby of BepiColombo is scheduled to take place about one year from now.
space Giant Sunspot Doubled in Size in Only 24 Hours AR3038 increased in size sharply at night of June 19 to 20. The sunspot was located slightly north of the solar equator and was facing the Earth. It disappeared from view in a few days.
space A Rare Alignment of Five Planets Took Place on June 24 For the first time in 18 years, billions of people around the world could enjoy an incredible spectacle in the night sky – a parade of planets. This is an astronomical phenomenon in which several planets line up in a single arc in the sky.
space Bacterial Species in Kombucha Can Survive in Mars-Like Conditions Kombucha cultures were sent to the ISS to determine how they would grow and survive under extraterrestrial conditions. After 1.5 years of being under simulated Martian conditions outside the ISS, the samples were cultivated for 2.5 years.
space Scientists Share the Most Detailed Geological Map of the Moon The researchers analyzed all the data on the lunar surface collected by space agencies over the past 15 years. The surface of the Moon is divided into various colored zones.
space James Webb Space Telescope Gets Hit by a Micrometeoroid Since its launch in December 2021, the telescope has already been hit by at least four different micrometeoroids. However, the latest one was significantly larger than NASA engineers predicted during ground tests.
space NASA Will Create a Research Team to Study UFOs According to NASA, the study will begin in early fall and is expected to last nine months. It will focus on identifying available UAP data, how best to collect future UAP data, and how NASA can use it to move the scientific understanding of UAPs forward.
space NASA Releases an Arcade-Style Game Called Roman Space Observer The targets you will need to capture include orange and pink spirals or galaxies, blue ringed exoplanets, black holes, dark matter, white starburst supernovae, green rogue exoplanets, etc.
space Hubble Space Telescope Captures Two Spiral Galaxies NASA unveiled a new image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope that shows two bright star-forming galaxies. The two galaxies are known as Arp 303. However, each galaxy has its individual name – IC 563 and IC 564.
space Astronomers Discover a Planet That Constantly Burns Nothing like 55 Cancri e exists in our solar system. Astronomers plan to observe the planet to determine how it rotates, whether it has an atmosphere, and where its hottest spot is located.
space Astronomers Discover a New Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Astronomers have discovered an ultra-faint galaxy called Toucana B. It is located 4.5 million light-years away, and scientists believe it could show us what stellar systems looked like at the beginning of the universe.
space NASA's Lucy Spacecraft Captured Lunar Eclipse From Space Over the course of about three hours, the spacecraft made 86 1-millisecond exposures. They were then sent back to Earth to be combined into a video. In the resulting video, the Earth and its satellite can be seen about 360,000 km apart.
space Solar Orbiter Sends Back Amazing Images of the Sun Solar Orbiter is a collaborative mission between the European Space Agency and NASA that was sent into space in 2020. The mission's task is to study the Sun's activity, its coronal mass ejections, magnetic fields ,and solar wind acceleration mechanisms.
space Astronomers Discover a Star With the Widest Range of Elements These elements were made by the rapid neutron capture process. During this process, an element gets additional neutrons that then “decay” into protons, which changes the atom into a new element.
space Scientists Managed to Successfully Grow Plants in Moon Soil Researchers believe that this experiment is a major step toward making a long-term stay in habitats on the Moon possible for humans and solving the problem of food shortages on Earth in the distant future.
space Humanity Will Need to Survive 400,000 Years to Make Contact With Aliens In this study, the researchers were guided by data on the history of galactic star formation, metallicity distributions, and the probability of the existence of Earth-like planets in the habitable zones of stars.
space ESO Shares the First Image of the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way We cannot see the black hole itself, since it is completely black, but the luminous gas around proves that it is there: the dark central region is surrounded by a bright ring-like structure. The new image captures light distorted by the powerful gravity of the black hole.
space The Alignment of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Is Now Complete It is now ready to move on to the next and final series of preparations before it begins its scientific work. The last phase of preparations is known as science instrument commissioning.
space Amateur Scientists Discovered More Than 1,000 New Asteroids For the project, 11,482 citizen science volunteers have processed thousands of images taken by different cameras of the Hubble telescope from 2002 to 2021.
space China Announced Plans for an Asteroid-Deflecting Mission China plans to launch a mission to alter the trajectory of a potentially dangerous asteroid. The test launch is scheduled for 2025-2026 as part of a larger all-planetary defense program.
space TESS Discovers Two Rocky Exoplanets Orbiting a Red Dwarf During a series of observations, TESS recorded regular changes in the brightness of HD 260655, caused by the transits of two exoplanets, designated HD 260655 b and HD 260655 c. Astronomers were then able to confirm the existence of these rocky exoplanets.
space China Launched a Rocket Into Space From a High-Altitude Balloon Created for air launch, the balloon was made of thin plastic and filled with helium at low pressure. The balloon was designed by Xingjian Tianhang Space Technology together with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.