Rocket Company Skyrora Began Testing Its New 3D-Printed Engines

Edinburgh-based rocket company Skyrora has begun testing its latest 3D-printed rocket engines as part of its pursuit of a commercial orbital launch. The tests, which will run weekly throughout the summer, are taking place at the company's testing site in Midlothian, Scotland.

The engines were manufactured using Skyrora's own Skyprint 2 machine. The ultimate goal is to achieve the company's first commercial orbital launch.

If the tests prove successful, Skyrora plans to scale up engine production and complete the testing of its Skyrora XL launch vehicle. The tests have already been completed for the second and third stages of the vehicle.

The company is headquartered in Edinburgh and was founded in 2017. In 2022, Skyrora submitted an application to the UK Civil Aviation Authority to obtain the right to conduct orbital launches from the SaxaVord Spaceport in the Shetland Isles.